So You Want to Be an EMS Responder?
EMS makes up a bulk of our emergency calls. Roughly 60-70% of all of our calls are EMS related. We have 2 ALS equipped ambulances and one rescue ATV. Along with EMS calls, we need EMS responders to respond to fire incidents to provide medical monitoring and support to suppression efforts. If you are an EMT, Advanced EMT, or Paramedic and have no desire to be a firefighter, we have a position for you!
Applicant Requirements
Just have finished EMT school and passed the National Registry Test
Current EMT, Advanced EMT, or Paramedic Certification
​Must be 18 years of age at appointment and eligible to work in the United States
Possess a High School Diploma or GED
Have and maintain an insurable driving record with no more than two traffic violations
Clear criminal history for crimes against people, drugs, and firearms, etc.
Must be and maintain physical fitness for duty and be capable of performing any required rescue and emergency medical activities
Successfully pass a Washington State Patrol background check
Live within a reasonable response time to district boundaries and/or stations.
Download, fill out an application, turn in the application to Station 36
(incomplete applications are subject to disqualification) -
Application reviewed for eligibility
Interview with staff
Skills assessment
Chiefs interview
Medical clearance exam
Onboarding Process
Once hired, training consists of several hours of required training. Topics include policies and procedures, Hazmat, Communications, EMT task book, emergency vehicle driving, and more! If you might want to go through the fire academy please apply as a Firefighter/EMT to be considered for the fire academy.
Continuing Education
All EMS personnel are required to attend one OTEP training per month as required to keep EMS Certification current.